Kids & Tech: 12 Tips for Parents in the Digital Age

Many kids are heavily reliant on social media and digital platforms. They can be used as a virtual place to meet friends, for entertainment or even learning. Media use can be stressful, dangerous, or all-consuming for some people.

Researchers have found some ways to help children navigate the digital world, which is constantly changing. These tips will help you ensure that your child uses media in a safe and healthy way.

Children’s digital habits: Tips for developing healthy ones

  1. Create a media plan for your family that balances the time spent with and without technology. Set rules together about media usage so you and your kids can agree on what devices are appropriate in your life. Discuss the tech-free activities that you would like to do on a regular schedule.
  2. Designate screen-free areas and times in your home. Set your phone to do not disturb when you need uninterrupted time. It is important to establish predictable and consistent media routines for younger children. You can use built-in timers for younger children to help them transition when the time is over.
  3. Talk about online activities with your family. Share new learning experiences, exciting discoveries and difficult situations. This fosters open discussion about a sometimes-challenging topic.
  4. Have a conversation about social media Engage in regular, open-minded discussions with children (even your youngest ones!) Talk to your children about how they use media, as well as you. It’s not necessary to be an expert in each platform to engage in meaningful discussion! You can ask questions such as: What are your favorite social media platforms? What do you feel like when you’re using social media? What about me? What have you seen that is concerning?
  5. Let your children know that they can talk to you about any online experiences they have, no matter how embarrassed or concerned they may feel. You can support your children through any challenges they face, as we are all learning.
  6. Teach children to distinguish between real content and edited. They can also learn how to identify ads and inappropriate content.
  7. Discuss how media and feelings connect. When we are stressed or happy, we may crave social media. What we see on the internet can also influence how we feel. Both parents and children should be aware of this important fact.
  8. Be a role model. Share your own social media habits when you are discussing the use of social media. You should be aware of how much time you spend on your phone and the role that you are playing. Tell your children what you do and how you support others online when you use your device in front of your family.
  9. Optimize the online experience for your family. Select quality content for your family to enjoy together. You can also empower your kids to determine what content is worth their attention or time.
  10. Check the settings. Set parental control, and privacy settings to their most secure setting when your child or adolescent creates a new account on social media or a video game. Talk about safety rules, such as who your child can talk to online, what they should do if they see something that is inappropriate and if they are allowed to make purchases. Read about the platform or have your child show you around.
  11. Look for signs that indicate problematic media usage. This could include withdrawal from friends and hobbies in adolescents. Children younger than 10 years old may show signs of media addiction by arguing constantly about it and showing little interest in anything else. Another red flag for all ages is when time spent on social media, devices, or games interferes in physical activity, healthy food, or bedtime.
  12. Before you buy your child a smartphone, think carefully. It’s a big decision for parents to decide when and if they want to give their child a smartphone. Consider several factors, such as the child’s willingness to take on this responsibility and his or her past media habits.

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